We have opened a Youtube channel!

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About the official Oyako no Kizuna Youtube channel

The organization'sYoutube ChannelIn the following section, we will mainly post the following contents in the future.

Japanese translation of foreign media reports

How do foreign developed countries, including foreign media, view the problems of the Japanese family system?
We will communicate the fact that Japan is also required to have international standards for joint child-rearing.

English translation content on joint custody coverage in Japan

International marriages have been increasing in recent years. More and more overseas parties are also becoming parties to parent-child disconnection.
We will curate and disseminate information, including the progress of Japanese legal reforms, to such overseas parties.

Video content about our activities

We will also provide reports on our activities to achieve our mission of "protecting the bonds between parents and children" in the form of videos from time to time.
For the first one, we have published a video of Dr. Yukiko Kada's thoughts on the "bond between parent and child.

We will strive to provide evidence-based information. If you have any concerns, please feel free to express them in the comments.

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