Greetings from the President

I cannot see my child. I want to see them.

I can't see my mom and dad. I want to see them.The following is a list of the most common problems with the

-I wish I had a little more time and a little more help.

Here in Japan, due to the various circumstances of parents before and after divorce, there are many people who give such a heartbreaking cry.

Behind this is the reality that the Japanese family registration system, the operations built up over the years by administrative agencies and family courts, the divorce business of lawyers, the Civil Code that has been in existence since the Meiji era, and political agendas are intertwined like spider threads and stuck together.

To make their wishes come true,We need more people to take an interest in this issue and push for a Japan where parents and children can see each other as a matter of course.There are

Oyako no Kizuna for JAPAN will restore the bond between parents and children in Japan by disseminating information on this issue and providing support for parent-child exchanges.

We do not want our future children to feel the same way. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

- Representative of NPO Oyako no Kizuna for Japan Tomio Kitagami

interpoint (interword separation)

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