What is Oyako no Kizuna for JAPAN?

I want to be that kind of parent who thinks of their children's hearts rather than their children's.

- NPO Oyako no Kizuna for JAPAN

From children,
Consider the hearts and minds of children,
I want to be such a parent.

- NPO Oyako no Kizuna for JAPAN

Children are not "things" to be deprived of.
interpoint (interword separation)

female proprietress (of a bar, etc.)

I will get custody of the child. I will not let you see them. You will also pay me!


There's no way I can agree to that! We should get custody!

female proprietress (of a bar, etc.)

Well, a trial, then. Women seem to win most of the time, and even if they did, I think we'd still see the outcome.


(It is true that Japanese family courts try to let women win, but I heard that men can also win if they take their children away first.)


Mom and Dad should get along, why can't I see either of them?

Japanese Children Suffer from Parental Conflict

By parental divorce,A country where 70% of children will never see either parent.Japan.

The remaining 30% of the children are not cared for, nor are their "children's wishes". The family court's decision is a far cry from the international standard of seeing one parent for an average of two hours once a month.

For children, disputes between parents and the convenience of adults are irrelevant.

"I want you and Mom and Dad to get along." "Why can't I see you anymore?" "You don't like me anymore?"

Children have a voice that cannot be voiced.

They should be the kind of parents who think of their children's hearts and minds rather than their children's.

Even if divorce is the result of circumstances or disputes between adults, the first priority is the "voice" and "thoughts" of the children.

NPO Oyako no Kizuna for Japan is working to help Japan become such a society.

Our Promise

Oyako no Kizuna for Japan was launched with the hope of creating a world where the bonds between loving parents and their children are not torn apart.

Many parent-child bonds are torn apart every day due to the distorted legal practices of the Japanese judiciary, the only one in the developed world to continue the sole custody system.

Oyako no Kizuna for Japan puts first the heartache of children who miss their beloved moms and dads.

I can't put my future children through this pain."

What makes children happy? We will always keep this perspective in mind in our activities.

Our Philosophy of Action| Vision Misson Value

Our organization has articulated the following philosophy of conduct. We always work with this axis of decision-making in mind.


childrenof the "Future and HappinessThe first priority is to put the "first" first.


childrenof the "Future and HappinessThe first priority is to put the "first" first.


"Parent and childbonds (between people)to transform our society into one that protects the

~We will create a world where parents and children who love each other can meet naturally at any time, with the best interests of the child as the top priority.


"Parent and childbonds (between people)to transform our society into one that protects the

~We will create a world where parents and children who love each other can meet naturally at any time, with the best interests of the child as the top priority.


I think more than anyone else about the pain in the hearts of the children who will never see their moms and dads again."

I will never forget the respect I have for the children."

"We must abandon the perspective of individual adult gain and pursue the common good of the whole child."


I think more than anyone else about the pain in the hearts of the children who will never see their moms and dads again."

I will never forget the respect I have for the children."

"We must abandon the perspective of individual adult gain and pursue the common good of the whole child."