Vision Mission Value

Hear the voices of children that cannot be "voiced".

Oyako no Kizuna for JAPAN is,I want a world where the bond between loving parents and children is not torn apart.The company was launched with the idea that

Many parents and children are torn apart every day due to the distorted legal practices of the Japanese judiciary, the only one in the developed world to continue the sole custody system.

I can't put my future children through this pain."

What makes children happy? We will always keep this perspective in mind in our activities.

- NPO Oyako no Kizuna for JAPAN

Vison Mission Value


childrenof the "Future and HappinessThe first priority is to put the "first" first.


childrenof the "Future and HappinessThe first priority is to put the "first" first.


"Parent and childbonds (between people)to transform our society into one that protects the

~We will create a world where parents and children who love each other can meet naturally at any time, with the best interests of the child as the top priority.


"Parent and childbonds (between people)to transform our society into one that protects the

~We will create a world where parents and children who love each other can meet naturally at any time, with the best interests of the child as the top priority.


I think more than anyone else about the pain in the hearts of the children who will never see their moms and dads again."

I will never forget the respect I have for the children."

"We must abandon the perspective of individual adult gain and pursue the common good of the whole child."


I think more than anyone else about the pain in the hearts of the children who will never see their moms and dads again."

I will never forget the respect I have for the children."

"We must abandon the perspective of individual adult gain and pursue the common good of the whole child."