
Even if the adults are divorced.
Whether you try to or not.
Only the children are not disadvantaged.

I want the world to be a better place.

- NPO Oyako no Kizuna for JAPAN

Even if the adults are going through a divorce or not.
I want a world where only children are not disadvantaged.

- NPO Oyako no Kizuna for JAPAN

We support parents and children so that they can interact with each other in a safe and comfortable environment.
For children, interaction with their favorite moms and dads is irreplaceable.
We always emphasize the importance of designing support that puts the child's perspective first.Please feel free to consult with us first.

2|Free Consultation Support Services

Suddenly, my beloved child was taken from me."
Parent-child interaction was severed after the divorce."
We know that there are many adults and children who still suffer from not being able to see their loved ones.
Do not worry alone, but rely on your peers.

3|Public Relations ~Toward a Communal Foster Care Society~

Even if the parents divorce, the parent-child relationship remains the same.
Even after divorce,child-orientedHow should we face and fulfill our responsibilities as parents toWe will think about it together with you.
Establishment of a joint child care planPlease also consider the following

4| Regular study sessions

Japan is the only developed country that has adopted a system of sole custody after divorce.

We are working hard to promote awareness of the law and hold regular study sessions with the aim of promptly amending the law to provide for joint custody and joint child rearing in principle.

We will strive to provide as many opportunities as possible to let as many people as possible know the actual situation in Japan.

We are also considering parent education projects to increase the number of families that put their children first, even after divorce.