Membership and Support Requests

We want to prevent more children from being torn apart from their parents and grieving.

- NPO Oyako no Kizuna for JAPAN

No more being torn apart from your parents and grieving.
We don't want to have more children.

- NPO Oyako no Kizuna for JAPAN

Request for Support
interpoint (interword separation)

Oyako no Kizuna for Japan works daily for children who are still living with painful memories of not being able to see their beloved moms and dads due to the sole custody system.

Your help is greatly appreciated,Donation or activity cooperationWe would appreciate it if you could do so in the form of

Our organization has been officially approved as a non-profit organization by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (March 2024), is audited by government agencies as appropriate, and complies with guidelines as a public interest corporation.

We will responsibly report the use of your donation to the public in due course.

Oyako no Kizuna for Japan works daily for children who are still living with painful memories of not being able to see their beloved moms and dads due to the sole custody system.

Your help is greatly appreciated,Donation or activity cooperationWe would appreciate it if you could do so in the form of

Our organization has been officially approved as a non-profit organization by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (March 2024), is audited by government agencies as appropriate, and complies with guidelines as a public interest corporation.

We will responsibly report the use of your donation to the public in due course.

Use of Donations

To realize a society with joint parental rights and joint child-rearing, which is the global standard, we conduct street advertisement activities and make policy proposals to lawmakers and local governments.

If there is strong marital conflict after the divorce, it is recommended that visitation support be utilized.
We strive to create an environment where children can meet their moms and dads in peace.

The pain of not seeing your beloved child is unbearable.
Don't worry about it alone, contact us anytime.

To realize a society with joint parental rights and joint child-rearing, which is the global standard, we conduct street advertisement activities and make policy proposals to lawmakers and local governments.

If there is strong marital conflict after the divorce, it is recommended that visitation support be utilized.
We strive to create an environment where children can meet their moms and dads in peace.

The pain of not seeing your beloved child is unbearable.
Don't worry about it alone, contact us anytime.

Click here to support us with your donation.

Kinshicho Branch, Tokyo Higashi Shinkin Bank
ordinary bank account
Account No.|37666610
Account name|Nonprofit Organization Oyako no Kizuna forJAPAN

If you would like to help us with our activities, please click here.

If you are interested in cooperating with us in our activities, please contact us from below.