What I think about "custody".

In June 2012, a 16-year-old Japanese high school boy attending an American high school knocked on the door of a PCB volunteer. PCB asked him what he thought about "parental rights" as a minor who has been exposed to both Japanese and U.S. cultures.

Could you briefly introduce yourself and give us some background on your participation in PCB??

16-year-old Japanese male high school student in the U.S.|Mr. JUN

I am a 16 year old Japanese male high school student currently attending an American high school.

I started going to school in the U.S. after high school and met people from many different countries and backgrounds, and I was amazed at the differences every day,No matter what country you are from, there are always values that everyone has in common.I realized that it was "love" with the people close to me.

Even though we speak different languages and have different skin colors,I learned that any person in any country truly loves his or her parents, children, and pets, and that family ties and parent-child bonds are the common essence of humanity.Also, among my friends who are currently living in the same dormitory, there are friends who have experienced their parents' divorce, or who have been separated from their parents across the country and are lonely,I have again strongly felt that "love from parents is indispensable for the normal development of children.

With high school friends in the U.S.

I was looking for information on volunteer work and found an article about PCB and decided to apply.

What kind of image did you have of volunteer work?

There is a difference in the perception of "volunteers" between Japan and the United States.

To begin with,The image of "volunteer" in Japan and the image of "volunteer" in the U.S. are quite different.I am aware that this is not the case.

In Japan, the word "volunteer" still conjures up images of social service activities, activities such as picking up trash and cleaning up the community, and doing things that not many people want to do, but in the U.S., it is perceived in a slightly different way.

Volunteering is considered to be an activity to build up our own society with our own hands and as a natural part of the society we are a part of. Among them, NPOs and NGOs are considered to be indispensable for building the foundations of society from institutional and practical aspects, and as organizations to solve the real needs and issues of their targets according to their needs.

I was exposed to such American culture,I would like to build the society I want to realize with my own hands, and I decided to work with PCB members to realize a society of joint custody, which is supporting the smiles of many children in other countries.

Daily exposure to the diverse cultures of the U.S.

From the standpoint of a minorThe "Parental Rights"Do you have any thoughts about the

Custody is not a "parental right" but a "child(at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusionRights."

From an adult's perspective, the term custody may not be something you are aware of until the time of divorce, but minors, especially those younger than me, areFrom the children's point of view, custody is something that should have already been discussed when the couple gets married, or it is a necessary preparation for welcoming the newborn child with the common viewpoint that the couple will "love the child together.I think.

In fact, in other countries, not only custody but also the distribution of assets after divorce is decided at the marriage ceremony, and both parties sign a contract through their lawyers. This is a great deterrent against the child being forced into the care of one party or forcibly taken away by the other after the divorce, and if the court determines that the child is already mentally mature at the time of divorce, except in cases of one-sided relationships such as domestic violence, The child's opinion is respected to the fullest extent, and in many cases, the children themselves opt for a form of joint custody.

In other words,Custody is not a "parental right," but rather "the right of the child to choose for himself or herself the parent-child relationship after divorce."and that is the way "custody" should be.

I see.
Based on this perspective from the children's side and the unique perspective of minors, in what ways would you like to be involved in PCB's activities in the future?

Giving the world a voice on the ground

To sum it up in one word, I think it is what I can do to convey and transmit the voice of the field to the world.

It is difficult for one individual, a student or a minor, to change policies or laws, and I believe that this should be decided by the adults who have the right to vote. However, I believe that we, students and young people, can and should play a role in changing the opinions and ways of thinking of these adults, and in renewing common sense.

With the development of social networking services and various other platforms, and with people of all ages using them, the Internet is a convenient tool that can be easily used by individuals with little public voice to disseminate information. On the other hand, it is also true that inaccurate or erroneous information is also circulating.

In the process, actual data and voices are disseminated in some form, be it video interviews or articles,We hope that the voices of children, which are often drowned out by the voices of adults, will be picked up by adults and those who are actually involved in politics.I would like to continue to work with PCB.

After a conversation with Kana Shindo, the youngest Minato Ward Councilor

Thank you very much. Please continue to help us at PCB in our efforts to bring the voices of children to the world. Thank you for your valuable time today.

mythical founder of Korea

It is nice to meet you too. Thank you very much for your time today.


NPO Oyako no Kizuna for JAPAN has a variety of people from high school students to housewives working as volunteer staff. We are looking for people who are willing to work together with us. We would be very grateful if you could give us some consideration.

Please feel free to contact us using the inquiry form.

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